Dual dimensions and tripping treasures

0 comments Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My inked members never fear I will post here, today was a weird day as you could notice from previous post well I’m feeling better now sorry but sometimes one needs to just get it out well today I have two nice little designs for you then guys please go check out my word blog http://ravings-ramblings.blogspot.com/ it is my other little baby but it’s not as strong yet well with that said lets get inked

Dual Dimension

Segregate my mind insane my time I am light and I am night good and evil I reside your side I dwell in night I wonder in day the darkness enthralls the light controls I am evil sinister and saint the dual dimension is this wink of a fate

Trip X

Times I have shared without a mind in times I have been alone around I open my wounds and licked my scabs tonight the power of three for the fight empower me I will be free the power of 3 is with me trip down the X of triple delight trip down the door to the fright

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Sexy Body for Placing Tattoos

Sexy Body for Placing Tattoos

Sexy Body for Placing Tattoos

Which are the sexiest places so that a woman obtains a tattooing? It is a question one required of me that much time. I made research and compiled a list of the sexiest places so that a woman obtains a tattooing. The results are women and men.

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Sexy Body for Placing Tattoos

Sexy Body for Placing Tattoos

Sexy Body for Placing Tattoos

Which are the sexiest places so that a woman obtains a tattooing? It is a question one required of me that much time. I made research and compiled a list of the sexiest places so that a woman obtains a tattooing. The results are women and men.

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Top Tattoos Design Today

Tattoos Design idea for women

Tattoos Design idea for men

What is this makes it really a sexy tattooing? Is this real tattooing or probably the sector on the body where tattooing is placed? I feel personally to him 'sA few of few of both. The 5 principal sexiest tattooings would be based on what that which your personal preferences is, but I will try to narrow to the bottom most common see you today.

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Top Tattoos Design Today

Tattoos Design idea for women

Tattoos Design idea for men

What is this makes it really a sexy tattooing? Is this real tattooing or probably the sector on the body where tattooing is placed? I feel personally to him 'sA few of few of both. The 5 principal sexiest tattooings would be based on what that which your personal preferences is, but I will try to narrow to the bottom most common see you today.

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Popular Sexy Tattoos for Women Ideas

Sexy Tattoos for Women Ideas

Sexy Tattoos for Women Ideas

Ask the majority men if tattooings on women are sexy or not and you obtain a mixture of the answers. It is certainly not as easy as obtaining yes or not an answer. Actually, you are or for tattooings or you are not. If you are, then if they are sexy depends on two or three big factors. Initially, are they adapted for the implied person? And in the second place, are they partly hidden and discrete leaving something for imagination? The research made on this matter indicates that the majority of the men are to be lit by an elegant tattooing and rather placed well than of without end of posting body art where it is difficult to see any intact skin of the whole. A perfect example of this sees somebody as elegant as Angelina Jolie and the manner of good taste and sexy which it went approximately the process to be tattooed.

Since, if you will be obtained a sexy tattooing, made your work and will find a design which costumes you. We all are different and which costumes a person can not adapt to others. The design is extremely important and there is no shortage of sexy tattooings for women outside there, it is right a question of noting that a simple elegant tattooing which will seem sexy on your body and alone is yours and with you.

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Popular Sexy Tattoos for Women Ideas

Sexy Tattoos for Women Ideas

Sexy Tattoos for Women Ideas

Ask the majority men if tattooings on women are sexy or not and you obtain a mixture of the answers. It is certainly not as easy as obtaining yes or not an answer. Actually, you are or for tattooings or you are not. If you are, then if they are sexy depends on two or three big factors. Initially, are they adapted for the implied person? And in the second place, are they partly hidden and discrete leaving something for imagination? The research made on this matter indicates that the majority of the men are to be lit by an elegant tattooing and rather placed well than of without end of posting body art where it is difficult to see any intact skin of the whole. A perfect example of this sees somebody as elegant as Angelina Jolie and the manner of good taste and sexy which it went approximately the process to be tattooed.

Since, if you will be obtained a sexy tattooing, made your work and will find a design which costumes you. We all are different and which costumes a person can not adapt to others. The design is extremely important and there is no shortage of sexy tattooings for women outside there, it is right a question of noting that a simple elegant tattooing which will seem sexy on your body and alone is yours and with you.

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The freakish inked’ness is on the attack


Hello all my members of the ink I have had the weirdest night after having a tormentous day as usual I had to come home to loving nothingness so I have vowed to try and not sleep again until I pass out or faint or whichever comes first I don’t care anymore I started these blogs as a release for my issues and it helps so bare with me guys I survive because of my arts so in my weirdness’s mood ever I go to check what my blog is doing (This is my little baby) and guess what check out the insane user count today 14 thousand . . . wait for it 666 freaky if you ask me maybe there is more power in emotion than what we perceive well without going to far here is the screen grab interesting yeah

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